Completing Weight Loss: Tummy Tuck

by | Nov 20, 2012 | Health & Fitness

Losing weight is difficult. The older you are, the tougher it is. As you age, your metabolism slows down. People in Austin may be at an advantage in some ways – it’s an interesting city, and the weather is nice, it’s easier to find ways to stay active in Austin than in colder cities.  However, weight loss requires a lot of discipline and effort and many people eventually fail, one of the hardest parts of weight loss is that if you lose the weight you might end up having excess stretched skin, that’s why for middle aged or older people tummy tuck surgeries are the perfect complement to weight loss. They can help remove a few ounces of abdominal weight, and even more importantly do what your body isn’t doing quickly, namely tightening the skin back so the weight loss is apparent.

There are a few myths of things you can do to tighten your skin back up. Some people will tell you that doing crunches or sit ups will tighten your stomach. Developing core strength is important, doing sit ups, back exercises, and strengthening your core through any means can make you experience less back pain and is an important part of physical fitness. If you want to work out for pure aesthetics having a tight abdomen and strong back can improve your posture and help make you look thinner. However, doing sit ups will not tighten distended skin. Weight training can lessen the effects weight loss has on your skin, it can put muscle into your body which can help fill in what was lost from fat burning off, however you’re not going to be able to (nor would you want to) make up the difference around your mid section, for that you need either a lot of time, or a tummy tuck.

Tummy tucks are fairly minor operations as far as plastic goes. No bones need to be broken, and compared to breast implants the healing time is quicker. Any plastic surgery is a big deal, however, it’s worth it, if you’ve lost the weight, and if you’ve done the work you should feel comfortable showing it off. A good tummy tuck can do what a lot of products will claim to do; the difference is the tummy tuck will work where the products won’t. If you’ve lost a lot of weight, or are only a few pounds from your ideal weight and have excess stomach skin a simple tummy tuck can make a world of difference for your appearance and confidence. The nice part is that any of the plastic surgeons in Austin, Texas will be able to perform the operation.

Tummy Tuck Austin – No matter why you want a tummy tuck operation, if you live in or near Austin Texas you should look into Georgetown Plastic Surgery. They believe in providing the best possible service to their clients to get them the results they want. They can be found online at or reached via telephone at 512-686-1650.

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