What to Expect at Your Child’s First Pediatric Dental Visit in Cedarburg. The time has finally come for your child to have his or her first dental appointment. Your child is likely curious about seeing a dentist for the first time, and you are likely nervous. Read on for what to expect at your child’s first dental visit as well as where to go to find pediatric dentistry in Cedarburg, WI.
to Expect
Dental visits for your child are unlikely to be as nerve racking as what you’ve experienced as an adult. That’s because, pediatric dentists are formally trained to care for young children in a delicate way, no matter the procedure. Therefore, you can expect that the first appointment will likely go smoothly, both for you and your child.
During the first visit, you are likely to experience more conversation than dental work. Both the child and yourself are there to be introduced to the dentist, and the dentist will want to know your what your dental hygiene routine is like at home.
Once your dentist has gathered information from both you and your child, he or she will likely perform a gentle examination of your child’s teeth and gums, and may also perform a quick cleaning. At any time during the appointment, you should feel free to inquire about anything you have questions about regarding your child’s oral health.
When to Book an Appointment
Many dental care providers are split on the correct age to bring in your child for his or her first dental appointment. The more modest approach suggests that a child see his or her dentist no later than one year of age. Others suggest that a child should see a dentist as soon as he or she sprouts a tooth, usually around the age of six months. To know for sure, call your local pediatrician.
If you are interested in learning more about pediatric dentistry in Cedarburg, WI, contact Mequon Smile Design, or visit online.