Information On Injuries From A Top Minneapolis, MN Workers Compensation Attorney

by | Dec 5, 2018 | Attorneys

It may be surprising to know that not all injuries that occur at the job are covered by workers’ comp. Talking to a Minneapolis, MN, workers compensation attorney as soon as possible can help to determine if a claim is possible. In addition, these experienced lawyers can often provide very precise information on the potential settlement range given the current and future issues with medical bills, retraining, and loss of income.

It is essential for the employee to be truthful and honest when talking to a worker’s compensation attorney. This is the only way to get a clear picture of how the insurance companies value the claim. It also provides the basis for the settlement offer.

What is Covered

When the injury occurs when doing a specific task or in the course of the activities required for your job those types of injuries are covered by workers’ comp. The employee does not have to be on the employer’s premises, they can be working at another property or working elsewhere, but they have to be engaged in doing their job when the injury occurs.

It is also important to understand if you are classified as an employee. Typically, contractors and seasonal workers are not covered by workers comp, but other employees are covered.

What is Not Covered

Depending on the specifics of the case, issues such injuries that occur in horseplay or in violation of employer policies are not considered covered by workers’ comp. This is not always the case, which is why talking to a worker’s compensation attorney is so important.

Another area of concern is pre-existing conditions. It is essential for the Minneapolis, MN, lawyer to be able to provide documentation to the insurance company or in the appeals process to show the pre-existing condition was made worse due to the job-related injury.

The Must List

