Why you should ask a Hired Worker for Proof of Contractor Insurance in Kyle, TX

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Insurance

When looking to hire anyone for work, specifically work being performed on your property, it’s customary to ask the person you’re hiring whether they have the necessary insurance. This especially goes for contractor’s insurance, since this insurance involves workers including landscapers, tree trimmers, pool workers, and a wide range of other fields. Here is why you should ask for contractor insurance in Kyle, TX.

It ensures your protection

The point of contractor insurance is to protect you in case of an accident that occurs to you or your property while the said property is being worked on by hired help. It guarantees compensation is the accident was not your doing and was the fault of the carelessness of the workers. It’s a good safety net to have, and a good reassurance that the company you’re working with will not pull a fast one on you when this happens.

It’s a sign of professionalism

Having insurance is a relatively trustworthy sign that the people you’re looking to hire have your best interests in mind and want to be transparent when working with you. Mind you to remember always to make sure that they show you the proof of insurance. You should never take a contractor at their word on this, always make sure that you have laid eyes on the paper itself.

It’s a sign of quality

While there are exceptions to this rule, having insurance means that the company is willing to reimburse you for any damage that may be caused on the job. Now, not many companies, especially small ones, are keen to so casually throw away money like this, so if they have insurance, it’s usually as a trustworthy sign of transparency. It shows that they’re so confident in the abilities of their workers, that any damage that does occur on their clock, they will personally reimburse you the damage. Above all else, it’s a silent agreement between client and homeowner that the service they’re seeking out is trustworthy and of professional quality.

If you are looking for a good contractor insurance company for yourself, there are few better companies offering Contractor Insurance in Kyle TX than Perdue Insurance Group. Visit the website for more details.

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