The Benefits of Upgrading Your On-Site Cooling System in Sierra Vista, AZ

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Believe it or not, the first iterations of air conditioners trace all the way back to 180 AD, when several Chinese artisans invented a crank-operated rotary fan that could provide a cooling effect for an entire manor, a momentous innovation for the time.

However, it’s safe to say that there have been quite a few technological advancements since then and the contemporary cooling system is now an ultra-efficient, intuitive appliance that can be found in three out of every four homes in the United States.

In this regard, we’re going to take a closer look at how upgrading your on-site cooling system in Sierra Vista, AZ can help your health, your pocketbook, and your property’s inherent value.

Sanitary, Healthy Airflow

Irrespective of whether you opt for an external HVAC unit or standalone internal cooling system, you’ll be able to significantly enhance your interior air quality and alleviate the strain on your family’s respiratory systems. These new-age appliances come with an intricate assortment of filtration mechanisms, built-in dehumidifiers, and other beneficial inclusions that have been proven to substantially reduce the proliferation of mold, mildew, algal growth, allergens, and other common irritants.

As a result, an upgraded cooling system can effectively eliminate up to 50% of the pollutants and impurities that contribute to skin rashes, asthma attacks, and breathing issues, which is particularly important when considering the fact that indoor air contains roughly 400% more contaminants than outdoor air.

A More Valuable, Functional Home

Contrary to popular belief, modernizing your ventilation appliances is actually one of the most lucrative home improvement projects at your disposal:

  • According to a national survey conducted in 2017, a new HVAC system can bump up your home’s listing price by anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000, depending on your locale.
  • Even if your current AC system is less than 10 years old, you can still decrease your monthly utility costs by anywhere from 20% to 60% by installing a newer, energy-efficient unit.

If you’re ready to start evaluating your options with a reputable heating and cooling expert, be sure to reach out to One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating as soon as possible. You can also visit them on Google My Business.

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