Why More Families Are Electing For A Cremation In Middletown After A Loved One Passes

by | May 30, 2018 | Cremation

After a loved one passes, those left behind are charged with the task of planning and arranging for a funeral service, and ensuring that their final wishes are carried out, all while dealing with their grief and feelings related to the loss. To say it is a stressful time is an understatement, but a funeral director will offer support and guidance through each step of the process. Most loved ones are opting for cremation Middletown, and the following is a look at the benefits to doing so.

Money Savings

One of the most significant benefits is the money that is saved when compared to a traditional burial service. The cost of embalming the remains combined with purchasing a grave plot and casket easily exceeds $5,000. Cremation services are a fraction of that, and it allows the individual to dispose of their remains as they see fit, as many choose to spread them in a location that had special meaning to the deceased.

Environmentally Friendly

Another reason more families are choosing cremation is due to its low impact on the environment. Burying a loved one takes a lot of resources, and the chemicals used during the embalming process may even contaminate the ground. Cremation requires fewer natural resources, and embalming is not required, which prevents the use of dangerous chemicals that may threaten water supplies and overall ground health in the future.

Service Flexibility

When a body is embalmed for a traditional funeral service, the family must schedule the funeral and visitation within a relatively short time span. Cremation Middletown allows a family to extend the date of the service so that the various members of a family will have the ability to attend. Make the death of a loved less stressful by relieving the anxiety associated with planning a celebration of life event.

No one has to endure the hardship of losing a loved one alone. The caring staff at John P. Condon Funeral Home offer customized services and will help anyone arrange the perfect memorial service. Visit the website to learn more about the benefits of cremation and take the first step in giving a loved one the sendoff they deserve.Visit the website

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