A locksmith generally provides a range of services. The most common services are opening locks for which you do not have access to the key, replacing locks and locking mechanisms, and making new keys. The best way to do this is by calling an expert in locksmith services to come out to your home or business and deal with your particular problem.
Making New Keys
A locksmith can make you new keys in one of two ways. They can create a key by copying an existing key, or they can make you a new key by cutting one based on the lock. If you still have the key, even if it is broken, they can typically just copy it. Alternately, if you do not have the key, the locksmith will have to create it from your lock. They will make a map of the inside of the lock and then use that as a guide to cut the new key. Locks are made with pins inside of them that are lifted a specific amount to coincide with the shape of the key; by mapping the lock, they create a negative of the key. This is one of the most common locksmith services in Portland, OR.
You should call Locksmith Monkey. They do this sort of thing all the time and know how to get it done quickly and efficiently.
New Locking Mechanisms
Another one of the most common locksmith services is creating new locks. You can hire a locksmith to make you new locks in many different styles. The simplest locks are locks that accept keys or deadbolts. Alternately, you can choose a combination lock or a keypad lock. These will give you access to your building without having to have a key on you. That is a simple way to avoid ever getting locked out again.