Home Improvement Tips: The Benefits of Installing Brand-New Windows in Arlington

by | Feb 19, 2018 | Glass & Window Repair

If you’d like to boost your home’s resale value and improve its aesthetic qualities, it’s in your best interests to partner with a reputable local contractor and identify a suitable home improvement project based on your personal preferences and budgetary restrictions.

In this regard, we’ve highlighted the most salient advantages associated with installing new windows in Arlington.

Your Return on Investment

Regardless of whether you wish to install new skylights, sliding doors, or modernized windows, it’s important to note that this type of project comes with a significant ROI.

According to several recent cost-versus-value studies, fitting your property with new windows will allow you to recoup approximately 75 cents for every dollar you spend; if you spend $5,000 on contemporary double-glazed implements, for instance, you’ll be able to increase your property’s resale value by more than $3,700.

Energy Efficiency

If you partner with a reputable team of window specialists such as Business Name, you’ll be able to redefine your property’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce your utility expenditures:

  • Outdated single-pane components are susceptible to year-round drafts and currents; in fact, they are responsible for upwards of 30% of your annual heating and cooling costs.
  • New-age frames and panes are able to decrease interior heat loss by more than 50%, which can alleviate your annual energy expenses by $500 or more.
  • The inclusion of UV-deterrent features will prolong the lifespan of most of your furniture, floors, walls, and other integral features.
  • Modern windows are resistant to mold, mildew, condensation, rot, and decay.

Enhanced Customizability

Today’s intricate manufacturing process allows glass experts to create unconventional cuts and incisions to account for a wide range of property-specific openings, which means that your local contractor can effectively fabricate a personalized assortment of glass products for every room in your house:

  • Double- or triple-glazed glass panes
  • Casements and fanlights
  • Sliding doors
  • Glass guardrails and bannisters
  • Mirrors, partitions, tabletops, and other vanities
  • Burglar-resistant window panes
  • Architectural glass
    And much more

With a time-tested glass specialist at your disposal, you’ll be able to boldly begin pouring money back into your property in a cost-effective fashion. Be sure to schedule an introductory assessment as soon as possible.

The Must List

