How to Start the Conversation About Retirement Communities in Hudson Valley, NY

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Assisted Living

If you’ve been struggling to initiate a constructive late-life dialogue with an aging family member, it’s important to note that you’re not alone:

  • Less than 40% of people above the age 50 believe that they’ll need to move to a local assisted living center, but over 68% will eventually have to make the shift due to deteriorating health or lifestyle issues.
  • 9 in every 10 people above the age of 65 have yet to discuss the pros and cons of today’s retirement communities with their friends and family members.
  • Due to the fact that almost 80 million baby boomers will retire during the next 20 years, the population of 75+ year-olds will triple by the year 2040.

Opening a Dialogue

As you might imagine by now, it’s important to start the conversation about assisted living as soon as possible, but with over 55,000 independently owned and operated retirement communities spread throughout the US, it has become increasingly difficult to become versed on the specifics of today’s late-life options. This is why so many forward-looking families are beginning to partner with reputable local consultants, such as Oasis Senior Advisors – Hudson Valley, to establish a plan, conduct the appropriate research, and facilitate the placement process.

So if you happen to be interested in learning more about the various retirement communities in Hudson Valley, NY, it’s in your best interests to find a knowledgeable local counselor to help acclimate your beloved elder to the inevitable.

The Benefits of Professional Advisory Teams

If you establish a relationship with a local late-life counselor, you’ll be able to enjoy a myriad of advantages:

  • A complimentary, free-of-charge placement service
  • Exhaustive evaluations of all suitable retirement communities in the area
  • Guided site visits and in-depth walkthroughs of various facilities
  • Tailor-made plan for your aging parent or grandparent
  • Easy-to-understand enrolment process
  • Comprehensive assistance with the entire progression

Your advisor will help you ascertain the best-rated accommodations in your vicinity, select the most appropriate facility, and complete all of the required enrolment paperwork without charging you a single penny along the way. The best time to start the conversation is, of course, right now. You can follow them on Google+ for more information.

The Must List

