Frequently Asked Questions About Hyperhidrosis In Fairfax County VA

by | Dec 21, 2017 | Uncategorized

Individuals in Fairfax County who have bouts of excessive sweating may have a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. This condition often causes embarrassment for individuals when they’re in a social setting, but there are treatments available. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more information about Hyperhidrosis in Fairfax County VA.

What causes individuals to sweat excessively when they have this condition?

Under normal conditions, when an individual does any type of physical activity that heats up the body, the nervous system activates the sweat glands so the body can cool itself down. Individuals who have hyperhidrosis will sweat an excessive amount even when they aren’t exerting themselves. This is caused when the nerves that control the sweat glands become overactive.

The sweating will increase when individuals become nervous or feel stressed. The excessive sweating occurs predominately on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and in the armpits. The perspiration can become so intense that it drips off the body.

Do certain individuals suffer from this condition?

Hyperhidrosis can be present in individuals of both genders and it can occur in people of any race. It’s not uncommon for teenagers, adolescents and even children to be afflicted with this condition. Heredity may play a part as it’s typical for more than one member of a family to be diagnosed with this condition.

What are some of the treatment options that are available for hyperhidrosis?

Individuals who have hyperhidrosis usually try a prescription strength antiperspirant that contains an ingredient called aluminum chloride. This topical antiperspirant is applied before going to bed at night and it impacts the sweat producing cells.

Another common treatment for Hyperhidrosis in Fairfax County VA is botulinum toxin injections. These injections work by blocking the nerves that control the sweat glands. Individuals who choose this type of treatment will need to periodically repeat the injections as they only block the nerves on a temporary basis.

Individuals who need treatment for hyperhidrosis can visit Tamjidi Skin Institute for a consultation and discuss the treatment options that are available. Individuals can also receive treatments at this clinic for other medical conditions including dermatitis, rosacea, spider veins and acne.

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