Bariatric Surgery in New Haven is a Long-Term Commitment

by | Oct 22, 2013 | Health And Fitness

It is not difficult to demonstrate that we are doing poorly at helping people to lose weight. While new programs regularly sweep across the country and become big trends, the basic truth is that most of those people end up either not losing much or regaining what they do lose. This sets them up for both the health risks of constantly putting their body under stress from these programs and also wasting money by paying for one program after another when nothing really works. If you are willing to make a commitment to a long-term solution, though, you should explore Bariatric Surgery in New Haven.

Going through surgery is a way of having fundamental changes made to your body that will greatly enhance your ability to lose excess weight. While the details of what is done will vary depending on the specific procedure that you choose, they basically make adjustments to the effective size of your stomach and sometimes to the layout of your digestive system. The goal is to make it so you feel full much more quickly and are therefore less likely to overeat in the extreme ways that are well known to be bad for human health.

This is not a type of procedure that you have done and never worry about again, however. It will change the amount that you can eat initially, and this means that you have to be particularly careful about meeting your own nutritional needs. There are also rules about eating that you have to follow to maintain the results that you get. If you ignore them, you’ll most likely basically stretch your stomach back out and end up right back where you started, complete with all the weight that you thought you had finally lost for good.

Doctor Elmer Valin provides Bariatric Surgery in New Haven and he works hard to make sure that his patients succeed over the long term. Not only does he take pains to ensure that people fully understand what they are doing, but he also runs a post-operative support group to give his patients the ongoing feedback and support that they need to adjust to a healthier lifestyle in the long term.

Doctor Elmer Valin provides Bariatric Surgery, click here for more information.

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