Ask Your Web Designer to Implement These Tips for Increased Traffic

by | Oct 18, 2016 | Internet Marketing

Since speed and performance are critical to SEO, your website’s design plays an important role in how well your site will rank on search engines. As a result, a great web design will dramatically affect your business and the way you make money online. Here are two design tips that will help your business website drive more organic search traffic, improve user experience, and ensure you make a profit from your online venture.

Replacing Header Images with Text

Are you using images to communicate written information? Does your website implement an image for the site title? Images are large and hide valuable SEO information from search engines. Although great for humans, images are not useful to search engines since they do not have the capability to “read” your images. Instead, have your designer convert text images to header text containing SEO phrases and keywords. You will soon notice improved page ranking in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Implement a Responsive Web Design

Is your website viewable on handheld devices? Mobile Marketing Watch explains that mobile marketing in the U.S. is giving TV advertising a run for its money. This makes it essential that your website is responsive. It is likely that more than half of traffic to your website is coming from mobile devices. If your prospects and clients find it difficult to view your website via tablet or smartphone, they will leave your site in favor of your competitor’s.

By implementing these seemingly forgotten improvements to your website, you will derive larger gains for very little effort. I have tried to limit the design tips to those that are fairly simple to implement. However, if you are allergic to website coding and the like (you also have a business to run) then you might want to get in touch with this website design and development service I found at SEO Guru Atlanta and have them make these design changes and more.

The Must List

