The Challenges of Industrial Water Purification in Marion IA

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Water Treatment

Water is subject to heavy usage in many modern industries, which includes water for steam boilers, many various washing processes in manufacturing, and coolant for both conventional and nuclear power plants. The proper treatment of industrial wastewater remains one of the most significant challenges imposed upon commercial users. Compliance with the laws as well as good community relations demands that wastewater is rendered as clear as possible before it is released back into lakes or rivers. And of course, special care also has to be taken to ensure that polluted water does not leach into groundwater sources which could contaminate the surrounding area.

The challenges of Industrial Water Purification in Marion IA deal mainly with clearing wastewater of three major types of contaminants: metallic and corrosive particles from tanks, piping and boilers, chemical runoff from most washing processes, and biological agents which can grow in a long-term moist environment such as the inside of a powerplant’s cooling towers. Each of these requires their own treatment protocols, and some of the equipment used for wastewater reclamation is filtration systems which are employed at various stages of the cleaning process. Other contaminants are removed through more intensive processes such as reverse osmosis, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation (which specifically kills bacterial and fungal agents) and ion exchange for water softening.

Commercial operations involved with Industrial Water Purification in Marion IA not only supply the necessary equipment and services for wastewater treatment but also will test water in their own in-house laboratories to determine the extent of contamination, the type of agents to be removed, and the suitable processes to effect remediation. Furthermore, ongoing research and development of new technologies carried out by a full staff of chemists and engineers ensure that the latest processes are available to commercial clients to thoroughly decontaminate wastewater. These clients include educational institutions, hospitals and medical clinics and laboratories, the food service industry, manufacturing plants, and chemical laboratories.

Visit us to website to learn more about the range of services and technologies the company offers to both commercial and residential clients to ensure safe, pure water for consumption, and complete water filtration and decontamination for commercial and industrial concerns.

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