When bringing home a new puppy, there is usually an adjustment period for both the new pet and the owner. The puppy may be a bit unsure of his surroundings, especially if he’s never been away from his mother and other littermates for a prolonged period of time. The new owner may need to learn to watch the puppy closely, both to aid in housebreaking and to ensure the pet’s safety. A new pet owner is advised to take the puppy to a veterinarian as soon as possible for a check-up and any necessary vaccinations the puppy may need. While visiting the vet, it’s recommended that the new owner asks any questions he or she may have related to pet care in Alexandria. The vet can advise new owners on many different issues from vaccine administration and housebreaking tips to spaying or neutering the puppy when the time is right.
When bringing the pup to the vet for its first visit, the vet will ensure the puppy’s health with a thorough examination. The veterinarian will also explain to the owner the recommended schedule for vaccinations to keep the puppy protected from certain illness and disease. The vet will also discuss the choice of various brands of pet food for the new family member and recommend some of the best to keep the new puppy happy and healthy. They will also talk about heartworm prevention with the pet owner. Because no dog is immune to mosquito bites, it is recommended that all animals be started on a heartworm prevention program as early as possible. Even house pets that most likely will never go outside should be protected against this potentially deadly, but easily preventable, problem. Most vets will also recommend the owner get their pet spayed or neutered as soon as possible to prevent both nuisance behaviors and unplanned litters.
For a new pet owner, the vet can be one of the best sources regarding pet care in Alexandria. Many veterinarians will also urge pet owners to “Browse our website” to learn more about pet care online. By working closely with their vet, the new puppy owner can ensure the new furry member of the family gets the best care possible.