Do You Have Bed Bugs in Marlboro, NJ?

by | Apr 25, 2016 | Pest Control

People who have never dealt with Bed Bugs in Marlboro NJ may have a bit of trouble recognizing these pests when they appear. They are small, oval in shape, and tend to be a dark brown bordering on black in color. Bed bugs feast on human or animal blood to survive. They are typically around the size of a single apple seed but, after they feed, their bodies will swell up considerably and their color may shift to a redder shade.

Bed bugs are not able to fly, but they are able to move extremely fast. They can travel over the floor, the wall, and even the ceiling with lightning-like speed. Even a couple of bedbugs in the home is a serious problem. Female bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs during their lifespan. The eggs may be difficult to see because they are no bigger than a single dot of dirt, but they can mature very quickly and begin a whole new cycle of bed bug infestation in the home.

A nymph, the name for a bed bug that has not yet reached maturity, will shed its skin five separate times prior to reaching full maturity. This process takes around one month from start to finish. Most bed bug infestations become worse very quickly because three new generations of bedbugs may be introduced into the home every year. The bed bugs generally bit their victims to draw blood while they sleep, leaving tiny red welts in various areas all over the skin. These bites look similar to flea bites, but the treatment of bed bugs is something that must be done by a professional. Bed bugs tend to burrow into certain areas, especially in the bedding. A bed bug treatment needs to be truly comprehensive to eradicate the threat for good, and it is important that homeowners do any follow-up steps recommended by the pest control company that does the treatment.

Bed bugs don’t go away on their own, so quick action is important if you find them in your home. If you think that your home may be infested with Bed Bugs in Marlboro NJ, call the Freehold Pest Control to get help now.

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