Pre-Planning Your Funeral: Burial Or Cremation?

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Funeral Services

In the aftermath of a loss, family members are overwhelmed by the number of decisions they face. Should there be a funeral or a memorial? Flowers or donations? A religious or secular service? A burial or a cremation? This last question can be especially hard to answer if the deceased never expressed a preference. Family members may be sharply divided on this question in planning a funeral Middletown. Consider the following information to help you make your decision in advance.


Burial is still the most widely accepted practice in the U.S. The traditions of a burial can be familiar and comforting to family members, and the location of the body in a permanent place gives loved ones a place to visit. Often families are buried in a common plot, with spouses resting side by side. In addition, headstones are marked with names and dates and sometimes family relationships. These stones are messages to descendants, who may visit the cemetery in years to come.

The main disadvantage of burial is the high cost, which includes such things as embalming, the coffin liner, the coffin itself, the cemetery plot, and the headstone. In addition, coffins use up a lot of land, and they may leak chemicals which pollute the soil.


When a body is cremated, the body is entered into a very hot furnace – 1,600 to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit – which reduces it to ashes in a matter of hours. One advantage of cremation is that it doesn’t cost as much. A cremation might cost as little as $1000, compared with many thousands of dollars for a burial. In addition, once the cremation has occurred, the ashes will remain as they are indefinitely, whereas burial requires quicker action. Another advantage of cremation is that you are not limited to a cemetery as a final resting place. Ashes can be stored in an urn in a loved one’s home or scattered in nature. Finally, cremation doesn’t take up land.

A disadvantage of cremation is that it is not as widely available or as widely accepted. You may have to spend more time finding a facility that provides cremation, and your family members may object. Some people have religious objections to cremation, and others are simply unfamiliar and thus uncomfortable with the practice.

John P. Condon Funeral Home will help you in pre-planning your funeral. Click here to know about their service.

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