Just about every pool owner has probably spent a lot of hours and money on maintaining and treating their pool. Many homeowners who own pools begin to become discouraged about their decision to have one installed, and sometimes even make the decision to get rid of it.
Previously, the treatment and pool systems available made it very difficult to maintain pools at an affordable price tag. Today, however, options like copper ionization have allowed homeowners to enjoy the perks of a pool without having to worry about paying ridiculous maintenance costs.
To give you a better idea of copper ionization pool systems, here is a look at some of the things that you should know about them.
They Are Not as Toxic as Chlorine Systems
One of the biggest disadvantages of using chlorine for pool treatment is because the chemicals in it are so toxic. While the fact that it is toxic makes it a great sanitizer for water, it also has negative effects on the eyes, skin, and even hair of swimmers.
Ionization pool systems generally use almost no chlorine and are considerably less toxic than chlorine. This allows swimmers to enjoy their time in the pool without having to worry about getting out with bloodshot eyes and the lasting smell of chlorine on their skins.
The System Was Actually Developed by NASA
One of the more intriguing aspects of CI is that it was actually developed by NASA in an effect to purify water for astronauts. After finding out that it was a safe, easy, and cost-effective option for purifying water, NASA decided to release it to the general public because of how effective this option could be in many different scenarios.
They Significantly Reduce the Cost of Pool Maintenance
The most significant benefit of CI is that the pool maintenance associated with these systems costs far less than that of any other type of pool system out there. In fact, most estimates suggest that purchasing and installing this system will result in the system paying for itself within just two to three years.
They Kill Algae and Pathogens in the Same Way Chlorine Does
One of the main objections when it comes to CI systems is that they are not as effective as chlorine at ridding pool water of bacteria, algae, and other pathogens. Several studies have confirmed, however, that these systems are only slightly behind what chlorine offers when it comes to killing these pathogens.
It should be noted that using a CI pool system does not mean that you will be able to completely eliminate the use of chlorine or other chemicals in your pool. In general, however, you can expect to reduce the need for these chemicals by at least 80%, and sometimes even more. Overall, the advantages provided by CI pool systems far outweigh the disadvantages.