Facts about Skin Tightening in Suffolk County NY

by | Jul 8, 2015 | Health & Fitness

Skin Tightening in Suffolk County NY is essentially a set of techniques without surgery and without general anesthesia or sedation. One the procedure is finished you will not need more surgery, which applied in a balanced way, will allow the patient to receive a harmonious, natural and steady improvement of natural facial aging. What are doctors referring to when they advertise a “non-surgical facelift”? This answer and more can be found by reading the text below, or you can discover more info here.

There is no particular technique that can define the art of Skin Tightening in Suffolk County NY. Some doctors speak of tension muscles, laser surgery, and others may suggest massage techniques and even assisted appliances such as facial radiofrequency. Do not forget about the famous Botox and hyaluronic fillers or other implants. There are all kinds of terms to define a facelift without surgery.

Why is the non-surgical facelift so exciting? Increasingly, patients seek less invasive procedures but in turn, they want them to be effective and versatile. The ideal of naturalness after a cosmetic procedure only happens well after the procedure is finished. Lips that are too full with products can over time generate very unsightly disturbances. Lately, cosmetic surgery has imposed the so-called facelift without surgery as an alternative to meet the characteristics of naturalness, durability over time and even preventing some harmonious aging.

Do all patients require the same techniques? No, they actually do not. The saying “every patient is different” applies. Clearly, the same treatment that is performed on a 30-year-old will not be the same as a patient of 60 years. However, both may want skin tightening but each case is different because every person is different. A younger person wants to highlight certain aspects, such as lips or cheeks, and an older person wants to make wrinkles disappear. An example of treatment protocol with maximum results is the combination of toxins filled with fat and platelet-rich plasma and subdermal laser use.

Are lifting techniques complementary without a surgical facelift? Of course, they are. A surgical facelift does not improve skin quality, but these issues can be treated by other complementary techniques. The permeation of platelet-rich plasma or other method aims to improve the quality, appearance and texture of skin.

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