10 Things You Need To Do If a Tree Falls On Your House At Roofing Greenville SC

by | Sep 23, 2013 | Roofing

A tree falling on your roof can be frightening, dangerous and very emotional. If you follow the 10 steps listed below, you can work through a potentially devastating situation with more peace and confidence. An internet search of Roofing Greenville SC can offer many tips.

1. Calmly remove family members and pets from the house. Always be aware of downed power lines or other falling debris, and meet at an agreed upon safe location.

2. Assess any medical or emotional needs. Staying calm is essential.

3. Call 911 if you observe any medical trauma, smoke, fire, downed wires or potentially dangerous situations.

4. Call your insurance agent next. The emergency hot lines are staffed 24/7 and can help you make decisions. They can send someone out to secure your home and an estimator.

5. Get the damage covered. You insurance agent may suggest someone, a roofer such as Precision Contractor Services LLC will come out and secure the structure until the weather clears up, or the tree has been removed.

6. A Tree removal service should be next on the call list to have the tree removed. Make sure they are licensed and insured. It is a good idea to check their references.

7. Locating a roofer can be very quick with an internet search by entering Roofing Greenville SC . Dozens of reliable companies will pull up. Again, make sure they are licensed and insured.

8. Get a detailed estimate. If you have time, get more than one estimate that you can submit to your insurance company. They will need to compare them to their assessment. It will help them determine the monetary award.

9. At this time, the homeowner can decide to replace and repair the damage, or it may be that now a few windows needed to be replaced and it makes sense to replace the drafty windows in the house.

10. File all receipts, insurance papers, estimates and contracts in a safe place as they come in. You may need them for future reference. You should also enter the various contractors into your phone.

When your home has been damaged by a tree falling on the roof, mayhem can come for a visit. Following the the 10 steps above, can help reduce the stress significantly. Life will happen; stay calm and breath.

Precision Contractor Services LLC

The Must List

