There are several types of mandatory coverage you must have when obtaining Car Insurance in Honey Brook. The first one is liability. This covers you for any harm you may cause to any individual or their property when you are at fault in an accident. In the state of Pennsylvania, the minimum amount of coverage you must have is called 15/30/5. The first number, 15,000, is the amount of money your insurance company will pay to any individual you may have injured in the accident. The second number, 30,000, is the amount of money your insurance company will pay to all parties you may have injured. The third number, 5,000, is the dollar amount that will be paid for any property you may have damaged. This is usually the vehicle you hit although it will cover that mailbox you may have run over when backing out of a friend’s driveway. These amounts may seem low, which is why a company offering Car Insurance in Honey Brook would recommend higher amounts to protect yourself.
Another mandatory coverage is medical benefits. This pays for injuries to you, or any person on your policy, regardless of who was at fault. The minimum coverage is $5,000; however, once again, you are encouraged to have a higher amount of Car Insurance in Honey Brook.
The final coverage is called limited or full tort. As you can see by its name, the full tort is the one that offers the most benefits as far as keeping unrestricted rights in the event of a lawsuit against someone who may have exhibited negligence behind the wheel. This can be fully explained by the agent providing Car Insurance in Honey Brook during a simple phone call. The few minutes of your time will be well worth it.
Although additional coverage to your vehicle is not mandatory in the state, you still have to keep it in order to satisfy your loan should your vehicle be totaled in an accident. If you have a lien holder, they will require you to have both comprehensive and collision coverage until the loan is satisfied. Once it is paid off, you may opt out of this coverage.