Your teeth are important, and often can suffer from even the slightest neglect on your part. Oftentimes, residents in the Columbia area will end up relying on a local dentist to help them undo years of damage to their teeth due to neglect. Sometimes this neglect can be unintentional, due to busy work or family schedules getting in the way of regular teeth cleaning. Whether or not the neglect is intentional, it’s important to know that you can rely on a reputable dental office like Center For Dental Health when your dental health has suffered. A reputable dental office can help restore your smile, giving you back your confidence while at the same time giving you healthier teeth.
When teeth get too bad, you can end up suffering from severe pain due to a variety of reasons. When a tooth breaks, the nerve inside can become exposed. Once exposed, your nerve can be affected negatively by various temperatures and food particles that you eat. This can cause excruciating pain, often resulting in the patient being unable to focus on anything other than the pain they’re suffering through. Not only can an exposed nerve be painful, it being exposed can lead to the tooth becoming infected easier. An infected tooth can hurt even worse, due to the pain being chronic and not subsiding. Usually, a dentist will rely on a Root Canal in Columbia TN, to remedy the problem for the patient and prevent it from being an issue in the future.
A Root Canal in Columbia, TN is simply the removal of the nerve inside the tooth. When performing a root canal, the dentist will usually prescribe antibiotics beforehand, to clear out an infection if the nerve has an infection. Once the tooth is clear of infection, they will then drill into the tooth to expose the nerve more fully. Once exposed, they will extract the nerve entirely from the roots. Once extracted, the dentist will then fill in the tooth with dental cement and put a crown on it. Crowns are usually made of metal or porcelain, and act as a real tooth would when biting or chewing.