If you have a cat, then you know that they aren’t the easiest things in the world to take care of. Cats are aloof and tend to keep any problems that they have to themselves, something that is left over from cats being outside animals for so many years. Of course, that is not as prevalent as it used to be, now that humans keep their cats inside. However, you do need to be able to determine when your cat needs to visit the veterinarian in Olathe, KS. Below you will find some tips on how to tell that your cat is sick and in need of the vet’s attention.
If your cat is the type that isn’t usually vocal and he is suddenly meowing loudly, you might need to get him to a veterinarian in Olathe, KS right away. There could be many reasons that your cat is meowing suddenly, from hunger to just wanting your attention, however, if the meowing keeps up after the needs are met, you should make an appointment.
If your cat suddenly starts using the bathroom in the house, instead of in his litter box, it could be because he has a kidney infection or some other problem. Sometimes this can be traced back to a behavior problem, but it is best to rule out a physical problem first. If you think that it is a behavior problem, then you will want to talk to your vet to see what he recommends as well.
If your cat stops eating, then you will want to wait a few days and see if he regains his appetite. If you wait that couple of days and he is not eating, you will want to make an appointment with your vet right away. While it is common for a cat to stop eating if you change his food, you will still want to get him checked out to be on the safe side. Taking care of your cat is an important part of being a pet owner; he will certainly thank you for it, and show it by cuddling with you on the couch. For more information on how to take care of your pets you can talk to the professionals at Falcon Valley Animal Hospital.