Mauled by a Dog? Hire a Dog Bite Attorney in Milwaukee

by | Mar 25, 2014 | Law Services

Aggressive dog breeds such as pit bulls have become popular pets. Therefore it is much more common to see them living in residential areas. The owners of these dogs are legally responsible to understand that they are much more likely to attack and hurt another dog or person than less aggressive breeds. If they fail to restrain their dog in the proper manner and he attacks and injures another dog or person, then the dog owner is considered negligent. A Dog Bite Attorney in Milwaukee will make it clear in their lawsuit that they can’t claim that because the dog had never attacked anyone before, they had no reasonable expectation that the dog might act aggressively.

A lawyer from Jacobson, Schrinsky and Houck will file a claim against a dog owner who acts irresponsibly in managing their dog. For example, the owner of a pit bull can’t drop the dog’s leash when he sees another pit bull on a leash so they two dogs can play. If this action results in the dogs getting in a fight and biting the other dog’s owner, then the first owner is liable. A lawyer from Jacobson, Schrinsky and Houck will file a lawsuit with the dog owner’s insurance company to cover the medical costs of treating the dog bite. Many dog bites are so invasive that they require several cosmetic procedures to heal properly. This is especially true of the person’s face was involved.

It’s not only the owners of aggressive dog breeds who have to monitor their dog’s actions carefully. If a dog owner routinely has small children in the house, they have to understand how curious a toddler is about a dog. It’s not the child’s fault if they pull the dog’s tale and then get bitten as a result. In fact if the homeowner had any indication that the dog is not good with children, he should have secured the dog in another room our outside in the yard. A Dog Bite Attorney in Milwaukee will file suit against the person for negligence. If the parent has to take time off from their job to care for the child, then their lost income will be included in the amount of damages requested.


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