When homeowners think about their roof it is usually due to check for storm damage. Kansas has some powerful storms and high heat in the summer. Every homeowner should be concerned about their roof enough to have an annual inspection by a certified roofing technician. These technicians are trained to spot problems easily and quickly. What you may not recognize as a problem could be the biggest problem on the roof allowing water to enter the attic. Water can travel down a roof support to the interior walls and then run down between the back of the wall and the insulation or the wall backing. The Roofers in Wichita, Kansas will know how to find and fix this problem.
Water in the attic is sure to allow black mold to grow in the house. The roof is never fixed until the homeowner is assured there is no black mold growing.
The roof inspector is trained to find the source of the leaks. The first area he will look at is the material which seals the area surrounding an opening in the roof where the vents and the chimney enter to the outside. This could be metal flashing or a compound material which will crack over time and allow water to pass through to the attic. The weather is very hard on roof sealers. Roof Repair in Wichita technicians can replace the flashing and sealers.
The roof ridge cap will be inspected for loose shingles because this is usually a long area which is open to allow ventilation, but if the shingles are loose then the water will find a big path to enter the attic. If the leak barrier shingles are broken or loose and twisted sideways, then this will allow water to enter. The Roof Repair in Wichita technician can fix this problem.
One often overlooked area is the starter strip shingles which should be securely fastened but if they have worked their way loose with the help of the wind, then rain can blow under this area and rot the decking.
The condition of the shingles will be another important observation to make. If they have edges curled up and are loose to the point that they come out of position, then this will be noted as a serious problem. It almost certainly means the roof needs to be replaced.