Getting Help After A Car Accident

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Personal Injury

Regardless of the size of the accident or no matter how mild or severe the damages or injuries were and regardless of whose fault it was; car accidents are a traumatic experience. It does not have to major; even a small accident can leave a person shaken physically and emotionally. The laws that cover auto accidents are confusing to a layman, especially those laws that pertain to fault, medical care both short and long term and many other issues that can come out of a claim. After an accident you may find yourself wondering if you should really have an attorney to represent your interests.

When you should consult an attorney:

If the accident you were involved in resulted in anything other than minor damage or injury or if the other party or the police blame you for the accident and you think otherwise, then you should immediately call a car accident attorney in PA. Any questions as to who was at fault, what the medical care costs are and what compensation if any should be sought for long term suffering should be left in the hands of a seasoned attorney. These are complicated issues and well beyond the scope of most people other than attorneys, a seasoned attorney can talk to you in plain English, explaining what your rights are and how they will affect any negotiated settlement between the parties meaning you, the other driver and the insurance companies.

When you may need an attorney:

As in most things there is a grey area, in the case of a car accident you will be left to decide should I or should I not get an attorney? If there is next to no damage and only very minor injuries, the key word being “minor” then you may not need a car accident attorney in PA. If you are convinced that the total cost of the accident will be less than $1,000 and the whole thing can be wrapped up in a day then you can probably do without legal advice. You should be able to agree compensation with the insurance company which will cover what little damage there was and the minor medical bills plus any of your out of pocket expenses. If any of this does not happen and you have reason to believe that you should also get compensation for your anguish, then calling a car accident attorney in PA is advisable.

If you have been involved in an accident and you think you will need a car accident attorney in PA then you are invited to contact Business Name.

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