The Answers to Common Questions About Water Filters in Leesburg, FL

by | Mar 13, 2014 | Business

If you have a Florida home that uses well water, you need a filtering system. When you are comparing Water Filters in Leesburg, FL, the experts at EcoWater Systems can answer your questions. Some of the most common queries include:

1) WHAT DOES “HARD WATER” MEAN?: When your water has excess amounts of magnesium or calcium, it is considered “hard”. The U.S. Dept. of the Interior provides guidelines that allow testers to gauge the grains of calcium or magnesium per gallon of water.

2) WHAT DOES HARD WATER DO?: The calcium and magnesium in hard water act like very tiny, abrasive pebbles that can harm the structure of clothing, glass, and other products. Hard water also leaves a residue, and makes it difficult for soap or detergent to clean. It can cause clothing to turn dingy or gray. Hard water can dull hair, since the residue coats it. It can also cause skin blemishes. Hard water buildups reduce the efficiency of pipes, hot water heaters, and plumbing.

3) WHAT SOFTENS WATER?: When you install a water conditioner in your home, it traps calcium and magnesium ions, and exchanges them for sodium, creating soft water. Conditioning systems need to be regenerated on a schedule, to replace hardness ions with new sodium ions.

4) HOW IS WATER TESTED?: Experts, such as the EcoWater Systems staff, will professionally evaluate your home’s water. They will check for nitrates pH, iron, hardness, and dissolved solids. They also perform pressure and flow tests. The process takes about 45 minutes, and, when it is complete, technicians will share the results, and make recommendations.

5) IS WATER FILTERING EXPENSIVE?: In many cases a filtering system can save you money. You will use less soap and cleaning products, and will not need to buy bottled water. You will increase the life of plumbing and your hot water heater, as well as extend the life of textiles. In addition, systems can often be financed, or you can choose budget-friendly rental options.

Filtering your home water can remove contaminants and odor. Treated water eliminates iron staining, residue buildups, and unpleasant taste. Professionals can test water, and recommend a range of budget-friendly solutions that improve its quality.

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