Facts of Seeing an Implant Dentist in Milwaukee, WI

by | Mar 6, 2014 | Dentist

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are used to replace one or more teeth. They are composed of a titanium alloy and constructed in the form of bolts, plates or cylinders. Dental crowns, bridges or dentures are then securely attached to the implant after the healing period or, in some cases, immediately after the installation procedure. If you are interested in learning more about how an Implant Dentist in Milwaukee, WI can help you, continue reading.

The cost of dental implants is dependent on many factors, such as the kind of implant inserted, the location, and the type of dental clinic used. Single tooth implants can cost anywhere from $500 and $3,000. The cost of a complete set of reconstructive dental implants can range $17,000 and $80,000. Dental implants, which are one of the most safe and clinically-proven alternatives to dental bridges and dentures, are used to replace teeth that have been lost. There are certain risk factors, such as smoking, patients with poor bone density, or those who have weakened immune systems, which may cause patients to be denied implantation.

Dental implants are among the most predictable types of dental prosthetics. Although, there is not a given guarantee of success, studies have shown that patients who have been underwent implantology has had a 95% success rate for five years. Your Implant Dentist in Milwaukee, WI strongly recommends that patients who smoke quit the habit before undergoing the procedure. This is because smokers have a higher risk of failure.

Throughout the implantation process, local anesthesia and, if necessary, total is used. This is so patients do not feel pain during the procedure. After the initial treatment, discomfort should be minimal discomfort. However, the dentist may prescribe pain medication to relieve pain or other possible discomfort after surgery. Implants can be installed after adolescence or after the completion of the process of bone growth.

These devices are stronger and more reliable than conventional methods. However, they may be used to support a dental bridge or prosthesis in the absence of teeth. This is done in order to stabilize and strengthen support the surrounding jaw bone and gum tissue. For more information on implantation, contact the dental office of Frank R. Galka, D.D.S. Today.

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