During the eruption of any tooth, there may be a chance that your gums above it become inflamed. This condition is called “pericoronitis”. This disease can develop in any tooth, but the most common inflammation happens in the area of wisdom teeth, otherwise known as the third molars. Mucositis in children at the time of teething is normal and rarely causes severe pain, but the more purulent situation is inflammation. If you are experiencing any of these issues, it is pertinent to see Dentists Cincinnati.
The most frequent causes of pericoronitis
There are very rare instances where wisdom teeth erupt easily and painlessly. Sometimes, they are located parallel to the growth of other teeth, which do not allow them to take their normal position. It is also possible for partial eruption of the tooth to occur. In any case, the growth is accompanied by inflammation of the oral mucosa in the causal tooth.
Symptoms of the disease
The first sign of the disease is the appearance of dull pain. Usually within three days the pain becomes acute. Accordingly, chewing food on the affected side becomes impossible. In some cases, the pain radiates to the ear, neck, and throat. On examination, oral mucosa over the tooth becomes edematous, hyperemic and painful on palpation. Mucous pus with an unpleasant odor will occur, as well. There may be a general malaise and fever also.
Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of pericoronitis should be set after careful examination of the patient. It is very important to adhere to the results of X-ray examination. On the basis of the image, the Professional Dentists Cincinnati will determine the position of the tooth, the condition of the surrounding tissues, as well as the location of the maxillary sinuses. The nerve branches and the channel of the lower jaw are also determined.
During the process of tooth eruption, you should pay careful attention to oral hygiene, focusing on the gums. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions after every meal. In addition, the space can be flushed with a conventional syringe, and an antiseptic. In any case, at the first symptoms of the disease you should consult a dentist. For more information, contact Afinia Dental today.
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