5 Potential Causes of Damage to Roofing in Tucson

by | Jun 14, 2017 | Roofing

Whether it’s due to a falling tree or an electrical outage, sudden storms can cause serious damage to a home or commercial property-;and roofing is typically one of the first parts to be affected. Thankfully, local roofers are ready and willing to lend a hand to protect customers in the event of a disaster. From rains to high winds, homes must stand up to a variety of damaging elements. Below, the experts list a few ways the weather can damage Roofing Tucson.


Whether it’s the size of a baseball or the size of a dime, hail can cause serious damage to a home. While it’s not all that common in the Tucson area, the impact from hail can leave dents on metal flashing and shingles. Eventually, such damage can harm the internal structure of the roof and allow moisture to get into the home.

High Winds

Strong winds can tear shingles off the roof, and homeowners should check the roof after a heavy wind episode. Sealants that hold shingles in place may crack as well, and if these issues aren’t treated promptly, the roof is more likely to get a leak that can lead to mold damage.

Winter Weather

Whether it’s a gradual buildup or a sudden downfall, snow and sleet can severely affect the condition of Roofing Tucson. Freezing rain and sleet can cause leaks, ice buildup or even a catastrophic roof collapse.


While the rainy season in Tucson is rather short, it can cause damage to a home’s roof. Rainfall on its own can damage shingles and the sealants used on them, but if the rain freezes, it can cause the roof to expand and crack. Eventually, this damage can cause mold growth and other structural problems.


Whether it’s a single branch or a large trunk, a falling tree can cause issues long after the event has happened. Even if a roof hole is repaired, the structural integrity of the roof has been compromised, and water damage is more likely.

Storms aren’t all that common in the Tucson area, but they are known to occur. For reliable roof replacement and repair services after a weather-related emergency, call the pros at Ralph Hays Roofing or visit the website today.

The Must List

