4 Ways to Personalize Cremation Services In Hamilton OH

by | Mar 2, 2017 | Cremation

Planning a funeral is never an easy task, but it is much appreciated when the plans are already taken care of. Family members are already stressed out and grieving when a loved one passes away, so making those choices is very tough. When making some of those decisions regarding the funeral, sometimes it is very helpful and comforting to involve close family members in those decisions. Here are four ways to personalize the service and get family members involved in the Cremation Services In Hamilton OH.

One very important decision that family members can help with is picking out any special clothing for the cremation. Common options of clothing for the cremation are uniforms for military service, wedding dresses, or special suits. It might even be as simple as picking out a favorite article of clothing or a particular sweater that was complementary. These are things that family members have very good input on.

Another important decision is selecting keepsakes or mementos to be placed inside the cremation casket. Family members may want to suggest a family bible, heirloom jewelry, and pictures that have a lot of meaning. Sometimes, the family members will offer up an item of their own to send as well. It is also very common to send personal letters or have the family write letters and cards for the funeral. Any items that are selected should be discussed with the funeral director to ensure that it will be allowed.

The next item to consider is if any family members wish to be present during the cremation process. This is also a very personal and very tough decision to make, but for some people, it is a therapeutic way to say goodbye. The funeral director can arrange for family members to present for as much of or as little of the cremation process as they choose. Just be sure to discuss in great detail what the plans are so they can respect the wishes of everyone involved.

Finally, one of the most important decisions to make regarding the remains is what will happen after the cremation. The funeral director will want to know if the remains are to be spread somewhere or kept in an urn. If the remains are to be kept in an urn, decide who will be keeping the remains.
These four decisions are key factors in planning Cremation Services In Hamilton OH.

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