Have you recently found yourself in financial distress? If so, this is not something that usually happens overnight. In most cases, the path to financial ruin is a gradual one. There are warning signs along the road that most people simple choose to ignore. Anytime you ignore these warning signs, you run the risk of putting yourself, and your family, in financial distress. And if you wait too long, your only option may be to file bankruptcy.
Your Bills are Overdue
Are your bills overdue? Can you only afford to make minimum monthly payments on those bills? If so, that’s a sign its time to call a bankruptcy lawyer in Bremerton, WA.
Your Credit Cards are Maxed Out
If your credit cards are maxed out, and your debt is still growing, chances are bankruptcy is in your future. Don’t wait until its too late to do something about it. If you are struggle to pay your credit cards, you need to speak with a bankruptcy attorney as soon as possible.
Your Bank Account Is Overdrawn Every Month
If you find yourself paying overdraft fees every month, that means you have more bills than money to pay them. Bankruptcy may be able to give you some relief.
Collection Agencies Are Calling
Collection agencies only call when you haven’t paid your bills. And if you haven’t paid your bills, it may be time to take some sort of preventative measures.