Using pads to potty train your dog is a step in the right direction. But if you want to see faster results, here are some mistakes you’ll want to avoid. If you’re guilty of some of these mistakes, that could be why your pet hasn’t learned to use those potty pads effectively.
Little to No Bonding Time
To train dogs, you need to spend enough time with them to create a bond. That bond will ensure that they follow your commands. Dogs love to please their humans. Yours won’t be any different. But if you spend little time with the dog, that affects your authority. The dog won’t listen to you, so that could account for the poor results when you try to get your pet to use indoor potty pads for dogs.
Refusing Crate or Kennel Training
Some pet parents think that allowing their pets to roam their homes or apartments is much better than keeping them inside a crate or kennel. But if you’re not at home, leaving your pet with all that space at their disposal could lead to accidents. It might also train your dog to just pee and poo anywhere. Crate or kennel training can help keep your pet in one spot. Use indoor potty pads for dogs in that spot and you won’t need to worry about messy cleanups again.
Using the Pads in Your Home
Start using the pads by putting them in the yard or garden. Teach your dog to do their business outside. Only use the pee pads inside your home if you live at a condo unit and have no easy access to the grounds.
Yelling at Your Dog
Lots of dog breeds are smart. That’s why dogs understand when they make a mistake. Talk to your dog in a calm voice. Yelling and getting angry when there are accidents in your home will only stress your pup out. That can lead to more accidents Business Name.