3 Tips for Cat Hair Trimming in Rockville, MD

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Veterinarians

Bathing and trimming the hair of a cat is enough to send many owners into a panic. Cats aren’t always thrilled with the idea of their owners taking an active interest in their grooming habits. And owners are concerned about the idea of trying to keep a cat still while a sharp object comes into close contact with the pet, adding a whole new level of challenge to the situation. Here are three tips for making the experience a little easier for everyone.

Bring a Treat

Keeping a pet occupied while attempting to handle Cat Hair Trimming in Rockville MD is the key to a successful situation. Just like other pets, a cat may be slightly distracted by his or her ability to enjoy something to eat, and relax a little. Pet owners should understand that their time is limited and so it is important to trim the areas that need the most attention first and move on from there.

Practice Makes Perfect

Helping a cat get comfortable with an owner’s attempt at grooming can make future experiences a little easier. Make sure to brush the cat at least two times a week. Then, begin to set up short sessions for trimming. At first, the entire job isn’t going to be completed in one sitting. However, eventually, the cat becomes accustomed to the idea and it might be possible to extend the time an owner spends on cat hair trimming in Rockville MD.
Know When it Isn’t Going to Work

Don’t keep pushing the issue if trimming is traumatic for the cat and the owner. Trying to force the cat to be still while the trimming takes place can be disastrous, especially if it has been attempted several times in the past. At some point, cat owners need to know when to put down the scissors and call in the professionals for assistance. Have you just realized that you and your pet may not be up to the challenge of taking care of hair trimming? Visit Thegroomerymd.com and let someone else help. Many cat owners don’t even attempt to try the trimming on their own, instead, realizing that someone with skill and experience would better handle the cat and the situation.

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