3 Reasons You Need Bee Removal in Chula Vista

by | May 9, 2014 | Home And Garden

Although bees are known to be a good source of income, they can at times be dangerous and especially when they have a nest in a residential or commercial building. Some of the health effects that bees can cause include:

Skin irritation and swelling

This is the most common effect of a bee sting. It is accompanied with a sharp pain which causes discomfort. In some, there will be a white spot or a reddish swelling. Based on whether the bee sting that one sustained was mild or severe, some of the symptoms that will manifest include difficulty in breathing, weak pulse, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. If these stinging creatures have made a nest in the house, the good thing is to look for experts who offer bee removal services in Chula Vista trying to do it yourself can pose many health risks to you and your family.

Allergic reactions

Some people are allergic to bee stings, and as such need to be treated immediately. This is because, a person can develop a condition called anaphylaxis that can lead to death. Some of the symptoms that an allergic person will show include low blood pressure and swelling of the throat.

Accumulation of venom

When a person has been stung many times, venom accumulates and causes harmful reaction which can make feel sick within a short span of time. This reaction may cause headache, convulsion, fever and vomiting. So, for multiple stings, both children and adults are advised to see a health practitioner immediately.

The first prevention is avoiding the bees. This is by walking with closed shoes and clothes in an outdoor setting. If stung, apply ice on the spot using a fabric material and let it rest there for about 20 minutes. You can also use toothpaste as it produces a relieving effect by reducing the acidic impact of the sting. As these homemade treatments are not enough, one needs to see health practitioner, the same day, to reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions.

For over 20 years, Bee Best has specialized in wasp removal, yellow jacket removal and bee removal in Chula Vista and the surrounding areas. Their services are quality and affordable. For more information about their services, visit: Bee Best Bee Removal.

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