Month: November 2012

Consider Adoption

You might be considering putting your child up for adoption in Oklahoma, but you don’t understand completely how the adoption process works or if it’s the right thing for you and your baby. If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy, adoption may be a viable option...

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Bits and Pieces of Sedation Dentistry

There are different procedures done on your teeth and all have different intensities. Most of them require anaesthesia; whether it is a filling or gum surgery. This helps relieve you of the pain that is involved. In some cases, one requires to be sedated such that...

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When Washing Machines Attack

Have you noticed your clothes seem to look faded and fit smaller within the past couple weeks?  You are not wearing them any differently nor have you done anything to the clothes to cause these problems.  Did you stop to consider it may be your washing machine? ...

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The Must List

